Chord structure: what are chords made of, and why are they so called?

So, the structure of chords is a topic that we will develop today. And, first of all, let's turn to the definition of a chord, clarify what it represents. Accord is a consonance, a sound complex. In a chord, at the same time or one after the other, at least three sounds should be performed in turn, because the harmonies in which only two sounds are called differently are intervals.

What are the chords

So, in the center of our attention - musical chords. What are the chords? What are the main types of chords? These and other issues we have to discuss today. Accord is a harmonious consonance in the simultaneity of three or four or more sounds. I hope you get the point - there should be at least three sounds in a chord, because if, for example, two, then this is not a chord, but an interval.

Chuck Berry: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

Chuck Berry Want to know how the history of rock and roll began? With the courageous experiments of Chuck Berry. This lively, energetic African American has become a source of inspiration for many musicians. Fans of the genre are wondering: would you hear the world of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones or The Animals, if not for Chuck Berry?

NF (Rapper): interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

NF (Rapper) Young hip-hop & rap performers continue to win popular American charts. The opening of 2017 was a talented rapper NF. Millions of people around the world are imbued with not only life history, but also the meaning embedded in the rapper's texts. New rap album "Perception" instantly took a leading position in the hit parade of Billboard-200.

The musical "Mamma Mia!": Content, video, interesting facts, history

The musical "Mamma Mia!" 80s of the last century. At the peak of popularity is the Swedish group ABBA. The songs of the band are a real musical breakthrough. Incredibly honest and sincere - they had a special sound. Theatricality of the poems allowed to create a real performance. The musical "Mamma Mia" became one of the cult performances that turned the view of POP culture.

D.D. Shostakovich "Leningrad Symphony": history, video, content, interesting facts

D.D. Shostakovich "Leningrad Symphony" Shostakovich's Seventh Symphony (Leningrad) is a great work, reflecting not only the will to win, but also the insuperable strength of the spirit of the Russian people. Music is a chronicle of the war years, in every sound a trace of history is heard. A grandiose composition gave hope and faith not only to people in the besieged Leningrad, but to the entire Soviet people.

How to learn to improvise on guitar

If you are reading this article, then you want to achieve something more in music than to play in a minor-order sequence in a circle, and therefore, you should be ready to work. Improvisation is a serious step in mastering the guitar, which will open up new horizons in music, but you should remember that there is no quick way to do this.

Toy Musical Instruments

All children, without exception, love music, some like to listen to melodies and sing along, others like to dance to musical compositions. And no matter what the child does to the music, in any case, it is extremely positive effect on its development. In particular, music develops the ear, imagination, memory and creativity of a child.